The Very Best Of Star Wars Memes

In May, it will have been 40 years since Star Wars blasted onto movie screens and into the bloodstream of the world at large. Yes, these guys are in all of the movies, at least the ones that matter, and you can count on your fingers how many times you have seen them actually hit a goddmn shot. In the classic archetypal fashion, so characteristic of the Star Wars flicks, Anakin's hatred of sand represents his resentment for his impoverished beginnings - and his lust for power.

There would have been no Star Wars, and the Empire would still be ruling everything because Luke would've never left home in the first place. The shrewd Chancellor Palpatine of Naboo reveals himself to be the evil Darth Sidious, the man directly responsible for the re-emergence of the Sith, with a bone-chilling line that lets the Jedi know exactly who's in charge.

I don't like sand is a memorable quote spoken by the character Anakin Skywalker in the 2002 film Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones. But, when you've got some of the funniest Star Wars memes to help you along the way, they're ten times better. Beneath the corny dialogue (or is it just Hayden Christensen's acting?), sand represents the repelling force that drives Anakin to the Dark Side.

Besides Steam the fact that he evolves into Darth Vader, one of the most evil villains in the Star Wars universe, there was also that little incident with the Jedi younglings in Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. A character that trained his nephew in the ways of the Force only to see him turn away towards the dark side, he almost tried to end Ben Solo which led him to become the Sith Lord known as Kylo Ren.

No matter which film or sequence of films is your favorite, Star Wars has made its mark on pop culture, from its video games to its Lego set and following video games Starting off in 1977 the original Star Wars movie, now renamed Episode IV: A New Hope has a rich collection of pop culture references, which of course generated a large number of memes.

Some people would say the possibility of George Lucas never deciding to make the movies or something like that. His quotes have also been particularly popular, from the rambling, off-topic anecdote about the ‘ Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise ' and similarly inoffensive memes speculating about his real name , to more problematic fare.

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